Jul 14, 2023
Manage Custom Display
With Matrix, you can create your own custom single line displays for the fields you want displayed in your search results.
- Click "Hello {Your Name}" at the top right of Matrix, then click "Settings" option
- Click the "Custom Displays" button.
- Ensure that "Property" is selected in the drop down menu at the top of this page.
- Click the "Add" button.
- Type in a Display Name for your Custom Display.
- In the Available Property Columns box, select the fields you want to display. To select a field, click to highlight it, then click the "Add->" button to move it to the Selected Columns box (or simply double-click the field name to move it).
- The fields will display on your search results in the order you have them in the Selected Column box. To change the order, click to highlight the field you want to move, then click the "Up" or "Down" button to move it.
- To remove a field from your list, click to highlight it and then click the "<-Remove" button (or simply double click the field name to remove it).
- You can change the column header label for any field. Click to highlight the field, then type a label in the "Label" box.
- In most cases, the default width should be sufficient. If you want to change it, you may do so in the "Pixel Width" field. Widths are expressed in pixels (a unit of measurement for your computer monitor).
- You may also set the Alignment for the Field Names in the header row for the custom display.
- When you are finished, click the "Save" button.
- To use your new display, click to open one of the searches for the property type where you created the display. On the search page, click the Display drop-down box (on the light grey shaded bar at the bottom of the page). Any displays you create will be at the top of the list with "my:" preceding each one. You can also switch to your custom display on the search results page.