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Home > My Matrix > Emailing/Client Interaction > OneHome Client Portal Guide
OneHome Client Portal Guide
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The OneHome Client Portal


The OneHome portal is a single access point for MLS listing information, brought to the customer by a REALTOR®.

REALTORS® may email listing information to a customer in two ways: manually (Direct) or automatically. Both types of emails contain a hyperlink which you can click to visit the OneHome portal and view the listing information the REALTOR® has prepared for the customer.

  • Manual ("Direct") Emails: REALTORS® may hand select, compile and send MLS listing information via email link to the customer. This collection of listings will remain available for you to view on the OneHome portal for 60 days.
  • Auto Emails: REALTORS® may also arrange for a customer to receive Auto-Emails. These are also personally controlled by your REALTOR® but dispatched by the MLS system itself, based on the criteria your REALTOR® has supplied and the mailing frequency he or she has specified. Auto-Emails also contain a link to the OneHome portal where matching listings are available for you to view. Auto-Emails will continue to be sent to you until you ask your REALTOR® to stop them or until you unsubscribe from the service yourself by following the unsubscribe link (located at the bottom of the auto email).

On the Start tab, you'll see links to any Direct Emails and/or Auto Emails your REALTOR® has prepared for you. Click on one of those links to view the associated listings.


The full guide attached is for MLS users and customers. Client Portal users can also view this document on the "Portal Help" screen.

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Portal Quick Start Guide US.pdf
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