01/03/2019 - Attn: CRRA and CarolinaMLS members -- avoid waiting on hold by using online tools! Kyle Murphy Sep 24, 2019 1757 Attn: CRRA and CarolinaMLS members -- avoid waiting on hold by using online tools! Due to unusually high call volume in the Charlotte Regional Realtor®Association (CRRA) and CarolinaMLS Member Services and Accounting Department, and to avoid waiting on hold, please consider utilizing the following online tools for questions related to: Code of Ethics training? We are diligently processing the many Code of Ethics completion certificates we received in the last few days. If you have submitted your completion certificate, you will receive a confirmation email from us when it is processed. NAR requires Realtor® members to complete 2.5 hours of code of ethics training every two years. A new two-year cycle began Jan. 1, 2017, and the deadline for this cycle was Dec. 31, 2018. Charlotte Regional Realtor® Association members only: check your status here. Need to pay your CarolinaMLS fees or CRRA annual dues? In Matrix, click on the "Resources" tab, then "Payments and Services," then on the blue "Payments and Services" button. Are you transferring to a new firm? All changes to your CRRA and/or CarolinaMLS membership profile start with completing a form and emailing it to the member services department. We are working to answer all calls and respond to voicemail as quickly as possible.