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Listing Accessibility
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Canopy MLS listing accessibility rule and policy

If any device giving access to real estate professionals or service providers is authorized by the seller and occupant and is placed on the listed property, Canopy MLS requires placement of an “approved” lockbox or other access device. More than one lockbox may be used, and not having a lockbox is also acceptable. Here is the rule and policy:

SECTION 2.3: LISTING ACCESSIBILITY: Canopy MLS requires placement of an “approved” lockbox or other access device on listed properties if any device giving access to real estate professionals or service providers is authorized by the seller and occupant and is placed on the property. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure cooperating Member Participants and Subscribers have timely access to listed properties. Requiring that a lockbox or other access device be “approved” does not limit the devices that satisfy the requirement to lockboxes leased or sold by Canopy MLS. Canopy MLS may require that the devices be submitted in advance for approval, and the access device may be any lockbox or other access device that provides reasonable, timely access to listed property. Canopy MLS also may revoke the approval or subject the Member Participant to discipline if the device is used in a manner that fails to continue to satisfy this requirement.


An infraction of this rule is a Category II violation as described in Section 8.4.2 and carries an immediate fine. Respondents to alleged violations shall demonstrate compliance with the rule within two business days. 


Three types of lockboxes or other access devices are approved under the Canopy MLS policy:

  1. Mechanical or electronic combination lockboxes or access devices. The combination code to access the listed property must be provided no later than when the showing appointment is confirmed, with no additional steps required by the showing agent to obtain the combination code to access the listed property.
  2. Supra iBox registered in the Canopy MLS system

Click here for the Canopy MLS Rules and Regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions on Listing Accessibility

There have been a few questions raised and some misunderstanding about the listing accessibility rule and policy. Hopefully these FAQs will clarify things.


Q. Why do we have a listing accessibility rule and policy?

A. The purpose of the rule and policy is to make the properties listed in Canopy MLS as easy as possible to access and show for all Participants. There were a number of complaints about listings in the Canopy MLS system where the listing agent insisted that in order to show the property, the showing agent’s key had to cooperate with another MLS system’s lockbox program. This prevented reasonable and timely access to the listed property. Likewise, other types of electronic lockboxes required the use of a credit card or disclosure of the name of the prospective buyer/tenant, as a condition of showing the property which is inconsistent with spirit of cooperation that is required when property is listed in the MLS.

In May 2012, NAR approved allowing local MLSs to implement a listing accessibility rule and policy. The rule and policy Canopy MLS adopted was approved by NAR, but we cannot force anyone to participate in our lockbox programs or purchase our lockboxes.  Read the NAR FAQ on Mandatory Placement of Lock Boxes.

Q. What if my seller doesn’t want a lockbox on the listed property?

A. It’s okay if the seller doesn’t want a lockbox on the listed property. The listing accessibility rule and policy only applies if a lockbox or other access device is installed on the listed property.


Q. Does this rule and policy require all properties listed in Canopy MLS to have a Canopy MLS-coded Supra iBox?

A. NO! The listing accessibility rule applies only IF

  • the property is listed in Canopy MLS; and
  • a lockbox or other access device is installed on the listed property.     


THEN, if both of the above are true, you must install a Canopy MLS-approved lockbox or access device on the property. More than one lockbox or access device may be used.


Q. Does Canopy MLS endorse the use of combination lockboxes?

A. No. While combination boxes are allowed, we do not endorse them. We would prefer that all listings use a Canopy MLS Supra iBox . However, the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) prohibits us from mandating that all properties listed in the Canopy MLS system be equipped with a Canopy MLS Supra iBox. Canopy MLS assumes no liability for the use of any lockbox or access device. Although the Supra system ensures that only active Canopy MLS Member Participants and Subscribers can have access, a lockbox is not a security system.


Q. Is it true that agents who are only licensed in North Carolina have access to South Carolina listings if a Canopy MLS Supra iBox is installed on the listed property?

A. You must be licensed in South Carolina to list or sell property in South Carolina, and vice versa; you must be licensed in North Carolina to list or sell property in North Carolina. Real estate licensees and brokers-in-charge (BIC) are responsible for complying with the license law regardless of listing accessibility. Use of information developed by or published by Canopy MLS is strictly limited to the activities authorized under the Member Participant’s or Subscriber’s licensure(s) or certification, and unauthorized uses are prohibited.


Q. How will the listing accessibility rule and policy be enforced?

A. In response to a complaint, MLS staff will verify whether the property is listed in Canopy MLS, and whether a lockbox or other access device is installed. If a violation is confirmed, then the listing agent has two options to comply.

  1. Remove the unapproved lockbox or access device, leaving no access device at all.
  2. Add a second lockbox or access device approved by Canopy MLS.

An infraction of the Canopy MLS Listing Accessibility Rule and Policy is a Category II violation as described in Section 8.4.2 and carries a fine.  

Q. Have there been any changes to the Canopy MLS system or to ShowingTime?

A. No. The “Showing Instructions” field in the Canopy MLS system provides the same options. If “Lockbox/Key” is selected, then that implies that the lockbox is a Canopy MLS Supra iBox. Remember, more than one lockbox or access device may be used. Don’t forget to provide showing instructions to ShowingTime, too, because ShowingTime does not use the “Showing Instructions” field in the Canopy MLS system.

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