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Home > Add/Edit > Working with Teams and Listings
Working with Teams and Listings
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Canopy MLS offers agents the ability to form "Teams" in the MLS.  When an agent is a member of a team and that agent is added to a listing (either on the seller or buyer side), their team will be included in listings automatically, similarly to how their firm is included.  However, reporting a team in a listing is optional - meaning a team can be removed from a listing, while a firm cannot.




When an agent is added to a listing, their team name and MLS ID will appear alongside the agent's name and firm information:


The team will then appear in the Agent Information section of the listing, and clicking the team's name will open a pop up window with the team's contact information and the roster of agents:




A team can be removed from a listing, if need be.  To do so, select a listing to edit to open the "Modify Listing" page, then click "Team Information Update":


This page will display the team's MLS ID in an editable field.  To remove the team from the listing, simply delete the team's ID from the box.  Clicking the "Refresh" button will make a message appear with instructions to re-add the team, but this step is not necessary to remove the team.  Once the team is removed click "Submit Property" to save the change.


If a team needs to be restored to a listing, this same page can be used to do so.  This page will be available for to 30 days after a listing is taken off-market (changed to Closed, Expired, or Withdrawn status), allowing changes and corrections to be made even after the listing is complete. 


The "Team Information Update" page will be appear as an option on all listings.  If no agents associated with the listing are affiliated with a team, this page will display the following message:



A video explanation of working with teams is available here

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